
Specializing in Real Estate, Business Liquidations, Farm Equipment Auctions & Estate Sales
Stallings Auction Service is a full-time auction service, selling real estate and personal property on a day-to-day basis, using the auction method of marketing.
We also have a handful of help that can’t be beaten, and it is growing daily. But most of all, we couldn’t do what we do without the wonderful people who attend our sales.
Our building is located on Highway 7 and Trail Road East of Lawton. For an auction operation, we can hold equipment auctions on the land that is available, and we can hold our multi-property auctions and estate auctions inside the warehouse that can seat approx 100+ people and still have plenty of standing room.
We specialize in estate sales and have ventured into the online auction business as well.
Our Values:
- Respect for the Auction Profession
- Honesty With Not Only Our Sellers but Our Buyers As Well
- To Be Available to Our Community
- Take Care of the Children and Senior
- People and Everything Else Will
- Follow